INDIANAPOLIS- Two local students recently participated in the national agriscience competition. Kaleb Killingsworth and Josh Buckner, members of the Walnut Grove HS FFA a chapter of Walnut Grove, MO, competed in the National FFA Agriscience Fair program. The event was held during the 82nd National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Ind., October 21-24. More than 400 Participants from across the nation defended their projects against other entries for judging in 20 divisions.
Killingsworth's and Buckner's project "The effect of Container Color and Tarp Coverage on Moisture Content in Fescure Seed", was on display at convention in the National FFA Agriscience Fair area of the Indiana Convention Center. Categories for competition were;
- biochemistry
- microbiology
- food science
- botany
- engineering
- enviormental science
- zoology